Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy 239th Birthday to the United State Marine Corps

With love and thanks to my husband and his beloved Marine Corps brothers for their dedication and service, and with heartfelt thanks to all who have served or are currently serving.   
Semper Fi!

As in years past, it is my honor to share the annual birthday tribute to the United States Marine Corps presented by Bob Parsons, Executive Chairman and Founder of Go Daddy.  Please click HERE to view this 239th birthday presentation.   

In addition to the annual birthday tribute, GoDaddy is partnering with the Semper Fi Fund and  America's Fund to raise money to help critically ill and injured members of all of the United States Armed Forces and their families.  The Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation and will match up to $5 million in donations.
The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund and the America's Fund provide financial support for injured and critically ill members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families during times of hospitalization and recovery, as well as assistance for those with ongoing medical needs.  

You have the power to make a difference.  Click HERE to help GoDaddy help those heroes who've given so much for our freedom. 
Every November 10th, my husband and his Marine Corps buddies call to wish each other a happy birthday.  This year, there will be one phone call less... today and always we remember with deep love and affection our dear friend, Bob "Heavy" Petrella, who was  a USMC Captain during the Vietnam War and was a recipient of 2 Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for valor.

Thanks for the all the great memories, Heavy!  We love you, man!

I invite you to check out this website for a painting titled 
 created by our dear friend, renowned artist, Denham Clements.

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