Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cromford Report - Market Summary for the Beginning of October

Source:  The Cromford Report™ 
Michael J. Orr, Owner/Founder of The Cromford Report™ /
Director of the Center for Real Estate Theory and Practice at the WP Carey School of Business
Arizona State University

"The flow of new listings has remained very low and yet the weakness in demand is sufficient to cause active listings to rise. In the last four weeks we saw 10.2% fewer new listings than last year and 7.9% fewer than in 2012.

There is still no significant sign of an improvement in demand, although comparisons with 2013 are much easier now because the slump in demand started in August 2013.

Last month we expected to be in a very neutral market with demand and supply in almost exact balance. Although we saw a little improvement it was smaller than we expected and the trend turned a little more negative for sellers in the last two weeks.

Sales in September 2013 were unusually weak and at the time we blamed it on the government shutdown. Sales in September 2014 were slightly weaker than last year which reflects the lack of financing available to ordinary homeowners. Tight lending standards, especially for first time home buyers seem to be having a major negative effect on demand. If Ben Bernanke cannot successfully refinance his home based on current lending rules, what hope do the rest of us have?" 

Go the the CROMFORD REPORT page at the top of my website for the complete report.

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