Friday, December 21, 2012

Looks Like the World Didn't End!

If you can read this, then it looks like the end of the Mayan calendar didn't mean the end of the world!  

I'm happy to say, in spite of great issues that face our country today, we are still a strong nation filled with great promise, hope, and resolve.

As the Winter Solstice marks the both the longest day (as in hours of daylight, not hours in the day) and shortest night, we happily look forward to more daylight and more brightness in our lives.

If you're currently somewhere where the snow is coming down and the winds are blowing fiercely, remember that Phoenix is just a few hours away by planeThe real estate market here continues to improve and, in addition to our healthy resale market, there are many new homes being built by companies that understand the bright future of this area.

Wishing you and those you hold dear, a day that celebrates new beginnings!

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