Wednesday, May 14, 2014

'Look Up'

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I must admit that I am as guilty as anyone of being tied to my iPhone and my computer.  But, I know in my heart that spending time with family, friends, and clients, or taking the time to call, is so much more meaningful than an email, text message, or a posting on Facebook.  Yes, communicating by email, text or social media has its value and I can't imagine my personal or business life without these daily communications...  but, each day as I see people with their faces buried in their phones, so busy looking at a screen that they miss the world around them, I realize that while technology is wonderful, we must never forget the greater value of human contact.

Below is a link to a video that I hope you will take a few minutes out of your busy day to watch.  It's just under five minutes and, in our busy lives, it may seem like a waste of time to watch it, but I hope you will take the time to watch it in its entirety... this guy nails it as he describes a world that has caused us to isolate ourselves while thinking we're being social.  Here are some of my favorite lines from this terrific piece: 
  • "We open our computers and it's our doors we shut."
  • "We're surrounded by children who, since they were born, have watched us living as robots and think that's the norm."
  • "We're a generation of idiots... smart phones and dumb people."
I hope you are as inspired as I am to "Look Up" at every opportunity.

'Look Up' - A spoken word film for an online generation
Published on Apr 25, 2014

'Look Up' is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone.

Written, Performed & Directed by Gary Turk.

Featuring Louise Ludlam & Stuart Darnley.
Original score by New Desert Blues.
Sound engineering by Daniel Cobb.
Filmed and edited by Gary Turk.

Copyright © 2014 Gary Turk
All Rights Reserved

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