Of course, I immediately went to look and, sure enough, the big equipment was out there knocking away at what was once not just a house, but a home... a place of refuge and comfort; a family home, where kids once did their homework and holidays were celebrated with family and friends.
Over the next three days I watched, as truck after truck hauled away pieces of the house... pieces of the shell that used to be a home. But, the truth is, in the end it really was just block and mortar. What gave the house life was all the people we got to share some time with over the past 33 years.
It won't be long before a new house will be built where "the Alamo" used to be. Undoubtedly, it will be bigger and more beautiful than the one that came down this week, but it won't be the fabulous kitchen, the high ceilings, the travertine floors, the Venetian plaster, or any of the other amenities that will make it a home... it will be the new residents that find refuge and comfort there that will bring it to life.
May your holidays be filled with good friends and good times, and may your home be filled with joy all through the year!